Initial Commit

My first blog post, mostly about creating this site

Why am I even doing this?

Hey, and welcome. tl;dr I don't know but I hope I like it (I hope you do too).

I have a few reasons for creating this site, and this blog. If you're considering doing the same, maybe this will help. For creating this site, the biggest reason is because I want a domain for other projects (more on that later), and it feels weird not to have a "home page" set up for it. I also want some presence on the web aside from the social media accounts that I haven't used in years, so if someone searches for me online they might come across something that represents the current me. For blogging... I dunno, all the cool kids seem to be doing it. I have some thoughts about things that I want to share with nobody in particular and I don't want to get mired in the social media swamp again, but I could really live without posting that.

I think the biggest reason is a desire to stop just consuming content, and to start creating something. It's been far too long since I've picked up a paint brush, or written any prose more creative than an email. So fair warning, you might get weird artsy shit in between tech posts occasionally (assuming I ever post again of course).

But is the effort worth it? Who knows. That's why I'm so flaky about future posts, I might just use the domain for email or something and call it a day, or I might stick at this for years. I bet if you're reading this I'll have at least stuck with it long enough for a more insightful post that gets traction, so thanks for following along!

Plans for the future

I mentioned I want to use this domain for some other projects - that goes hand-in-hand with my plans for this blog. At some point I'm going to migrate this to my raspberry pi, and self-host a git forge to get out of a GitHub dependency. I also want to use it for email - feel free to reach out if I've done that already - to de-google just that little bit more. There may be some other neat things I set up (I'm looking at weird ways of handling comments on this site), so stay tuned.

Nerdy tech stack info

In case you're curious:

Most of that is in Rust, in which I've never written more than Hello World. That's mostly just a coincidence.


Ta-ta for now!